Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chocolate in Brussels - Cheese and clogs in Amsterdam!

Last night we stayed about an hour out of Brussels... but this morning, our first stop was the Grand Place!  This square is often called 'One of the most beautiful town squares in Europe, if not in the world"  and it is!  In Dutch it's called 'de grote market', but French speakers call it The Grand Place.  (Not pronounced like it looks in English!)

In the 14th century, rich and powerful families built some of these stone mansions.  The Town Hall was first started in 1402 ... and finished in 1405.  (Think:  Old!)

We had some time to explore...then we went together to see the Mannekin Pis!  Yep, this little guy peeing on a street corner has become a major tourist attraction for Brussels for several CENTURIES!  At times, he's been hidden to protect him against bombs of invading armies.  He also has an extensive wardrobe.  He got his first costume on May 1, 1698, and now has more than 600 costumes!  I was in Brussels one time when he was peeing beer!

 Tin Tin...painted on the side of a building!

 Street performer

The Adventures of Tin-Tin is also big in Belgium...which is where it was created.

Planet Chocolat...I bet by now many of you have sampled some of their unbelievably delicious chocolate!  We were ushered inside for a presentation on how the chocolate is made and what it is that makes Belgium chocolate so delicious!  (fine ground cocoa)  We learned the percentages of cocoa to cocoa butter...and we got to taste different chocolates.  After that, we were turned loose into their store to purchase some if we wanted...which just about everyone did...some more than others (Drew?).

In free time before and after Planet Chocolat...many of us devoured some of the delicious Belgium waffles.  You can get them so many ways...mine was with strawberries, bananas, and drizzled in dark chocolate.  Oh my gosh... it was unbelievably great!


From Brussels, we took off for Amsterdam!  Our first stop was a farm where clogs and gouda cheese are made.  The farm has been in the same family for generations.  Katrina, the mother at the farm, makes the cheese.  She's originally from San Diego!  On a trip to Amsterdam a LONG time ago, she saw her now-husband, giving a demonstration on making clogs...she fell in love... and now they have been married and have children...and are a working farm.  Since Hannah's birthday was the following day, she got to work with making a clog..  After the clogs, we watched the process of making gouda...and got to sample so many different kinds/flavors.  Again, we had time in their gift shop to purchase cheese, clogs, and other Dutch souvenirs.

Next stop:  The Hard Rock Cafe-Amsterdam!  Most of us were so excited for a hamburger!

At this point, I think most were getting a bit sad to realize our journey was coming to an end...but at the same time, getting excited to be home.  Maybe it was the hamburger...maybe it was a bit of exhaustion...maybe both...

It is the end of Day 16!

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