Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here we are!

 Nick, Mandi, Dyana
 Courtney, Cheyenne, Billy, Avi

Zoe, Nicole, Noah, Jeremy
 Michaela, Victoria, Drew
 Kyler, Eric, Shahid
Hannah, Alex

We were missing a few...but here we are!

Community Service Project

April 28th was the day of our Community Service Project.  We cleaned, we raked, we picked up leaves..
The squirrels were eager to eat our food...

putting the leaves in the bag...

These girls are strong!

We shoveled some, too...

 We even cleaned some under the bleachers.

 The park workers came behind us to pick up the filled bags...
One of the things I love about this event, is how everyone works beside and gets to know the people they'll be traveling halfway around the world with!
 Following our service project, we broke for lunch...

then had our orientation meeting, sitting on the bleachers, enjoying the perfect weather.  Well, at least Jane and I were enjoying the perfect weather.  We had to wear sweaters by the time we got home. 

April 28...and we fly out on June 28!  Are you ready?